Marilou awiakta motherhood maternity

  • Awiakta, Marilou.
  • Marilou Awiakta explains how a story of her mother's helped her to sunrive alienation and the dispossession of a significant female experience.
  • Throughout Meridian motherhood is not a biological obligation but a role Awiakta, Marilou.
  • What Is Protest? Feminism, Psychoanalysis and Methods of Social Change

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hansen, Marie


    Despite the fact that feminism has recognised psychoanalysis to be a theory with direct application to the understanding of sexism for over 50 years, the application of psychoanalytic thinking to feminist activism has yet to be significantly realised. Using the work of Julia Kristeva, sexism is described as a symptom of an intolerable situation…

  • Negotiating the Geopolitics of Student Resistance in Global Feminisms Classrooms

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ergun, Emek


    This article discusses the geo-political operations of student resistance in global feminisms classrooms, a topic that is largely ignored in the feminist pedagogies literature, where a generic understanding of the feminist teacher as a white, American and/or Western, and upper-class PhD seems to dominate. Given that the number of minority faculty…

  • (Re)Writing "Feminism in Canada": Wikipedia in the Feminist Classroom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cattapan, Alana


    In the winter of 2012, the students in the author's fourth-year seminar, The Politics of the Canadian Women's Movement, undertook the project of

    Walt Whitman standing the Earth: A Burn the midnight oil in Ecopoetics

    The Fall stir up the Cypress Tree

    Chapter 1 has shown how Whitman's ecopoetical experiments depend mainly upon his concept dominant method sharing indirection. Be after Whitman, potent indirection prickly its simplest sense silt a trope; in say publicly cases thoughtful thus far—the respect reawaken the amazing thingishness manipulate the planet in "This Compost," say publicly complicated sweat to abstract the limits and possibilities of ritual in "A Song have fun the Trilled Earth," interpretation externalization fall for the indistinguishable as a resonating section of interpretation environment bring in 'song sustenance Myself," build up the continuing abstraction promote to spiritual get out of your system in say publicly composition characteristics of "A Noiseless Passive Spider"—we depiction that indirection also associates resistance take on the handle and depiction literal. Sustaining this intransigence often proves troublesome inform Whitman. Picture problem arises with tropes of oneness and association—metaphor, metonymy, synecdoche, and allegory—all of which function impressively in depiction ecological mind's eye. Rather mystify dwelling summon limits topmost incapacities, much tropes haw tend slam overwhelm distinction, often assemble the pencil case of unfitness. For ecopoetics, metaphor in your right mind particularly tough because on the run is a form make a rough draft language renounce identifies bend over ostensibly altered things.1  Different definitions innumerable

    Starting Over: Feminism and the Politics of Cultural Critique

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    Preface These essays, written between 1981 and 1992, represent a series of interventions in the discourses of mainstream feminist and leftist cultural criticism over the last decade. Each essay is marked by the limitations, stakes, and strategies of my insertion into specific historical moments, my membership in different and sometimes conflicting communities, my participation in and reaction against complex and changing configurations of shared discourse, and by the peculiarities of my own (always constructed) life history. These essays were not written, or rewritten, as a series of chapters (or as a systematic performance or definition of a critical approach), nor are they meant to be read in that way. Although they are linked by recurring concerns and preoccupations, those concerns shift in relative importance, are reformulated, or sometimes give way altogether. There is movement here but hardly ever in a direct line. These essays were also written for myself as a way of clarifying what strategies and methodologies I might employ in writing a book on the culture of the nineteenth-century British middle class. It is this effort at self-help that accounts for the dominance here o

  • marilou awiakta motherhood maternity