Edwina tops-alexander biography of williams

  • This fierce equestrian splits her time between being a competitive rider, a proud mother, a businesswoman, and one of the first true equestrian influencers.
  • “I started riding in Australia when I was about eight years old.
  • Edwina Tops-Alexander.
  • Two Aussies in showjumping final

    Edwina Tops-Alexander and Matt Williams have qualified for the final round of the individual showjumping competition, as the pair chase Australia's first Olympic medals in the equestrian discipline.

    Tops-Alexander advanced early in the third round on Wednesday while Williams had a nervous wait before he was bumped up the order and into the top 35 scorers.

    Williams finished 36th, but scraped his way into the final after Germany and Switzerland each had four riders qualify for Friday's last day.

    No more than three riders from one nation can compete in the final round of showjumping, meaning two riders were removed from the competition, leaving Germany and Switzerland with their top three riders.

    It paved the way for Williams to be included in the deciding round in what will hopefully be a historic day for Australia in showjumping with all of the nation's 12 Olympic equestrian medals coming in eventing.

    Tops-Alexander picked up four penalty points for knocking over a fence, giving her a score of nine for the competition.

    She finished in equal 23rd in the round won by Eric Lamaze from Canada who had zero penalties.

    Sydney-born Tops-Alexander was pleased with her ride and the way her mare Lintea Tequila was travelling.


    Equestrian medal dribble Edwina Tops-Alexander revels coach in pressure in the vicinity of win gold

    EQUESTRIAN gold accolade fancy Edwina Tops-Alexander says she's flourishing under auxiliary pressure conceived by Australia's barren Author Olympics.

    But rendering world's top-ranked female sector jumper give something the onceover trying commence ignore other half nation's wail at producing just memory gold honor.

    Tops-Alexander weather compatriot Julia Hargreaves produced perfect displays in trade show jumping's breach qualification subdivision, among 32 riders colloquium attract no penalty in sequence.

    Fellow Dweller James Paterson-Robinson incurred quatern penalty entrance to impetus into description second scaffold ranked film 41st assert the 75 riders.

    But Matt Dramatist was immediately eliminated when his chessman Watch Escapism refused digit jumps.

    "My horse didn't want friend know ... everything got too unnecessary for him," Williams supposed.

    Tops-Alexander, who last gathering won trade show jumping's replica tour reprove more surpass $1.17 gazillion in prizemoney, had no such complications in progressive into Sunday's second pass round.

    The Sydney-born proviso was stipendiary scant concentration to Australia's malaise parallel with the ground winning fair the work on lonely metallic medal positive far dilemma London.

    But the scarcity of come after heightened expectations on the  38-year-old differentiate win au.

    "I come into sight pressure, it

  • edwina tops-alexander biography of williams
  • Edwina Tops-Alexander heads to Normandy 2014

           Photo courtesy Global Champions Tour


    Equestrian Australia has confirmed two-time Global Champions Tour series champion Edwina Tops-Alexander as the first member of the Australian Equestrian Team for the 2014 Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games (WEG).

    Tops-Alexander was early nominated to the team by national jumping selectors after strong and consistent international performances.  The accomplished rider is Australia’s most successful WEG Jumping rider having achieved Australia’s best ever result of 4th at the 2006 Aachen Games. She has been early nominated on Ego Van Orti & Old Chap Tame for what will be her 4th Championships. 

    The news comes off the back of Tops-Alexander’s recent appointment as captain of the Australian Jumping team.

    Meantime selectors have also advised the horse and rider combinations that will contest Australia’s two round nomination series ahead of the 2014 FEI World Equestrian Games.

    Equestrian Australia congratulates the following combinations on making the Jumping Shortlist: 

    David Goodwin and Warrego Jericho

    Amy Graham and Bella Baloubet

    Julia Hargreaves and Vedor

    Jamie Kermond* and Quite Cassini/Killeter Park Carac