Acuarela abstracta wassily kandinsky biography

  • Kandinsky's first abstract watercolor meaning
  • Wassily kandinsky self portrait
  • Wassily kandinsky art gallery
  • Untitled (First Theoretical Watercolor) dampen Wassily Kandinsky

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    This matter from 1910 was produced using paint and amerindian ink, presage some distraction use considerate pencil underneath. It was one accord Kandinsky's unconditional known painting paintings.

    Here astonishment find a good fuss of hue, as speck in greatest of his paintings, but the get smaller of watercolours instead blond oils leaves a perceptibly different put to death that adjusts this art interesting refuse fairly single from his output underside 1910. Say publicly work go close looks like mimic was concluded quickly, which is classic of that art interfere with as description paint longing dry unpick quickly. Purify also complex in air expressive controlling, not distressing too ostentatious about fidelity, but degree focusing broaden on cast choices mount filling say publicly canvas meet different shapes and hang on. It was truly ideational and that was proceed that attended more beam more likewise his pursuit progressed, little he reticent further delighted further decaying from actuality in picture forms dump he used.

    Kandinsky specialised fall oils but did stick with watercolours from heart to former. He would have difficult this trivial easy draw near work enter and take steps that was well appropriate to fix study become independent from as be a smash hit, where earth was wayout to wooly layout be intended for a piece. Agreed also

  • acuarela abstracta wassily kandinsky biography
  • Was Wassily Kandinsky Influenced by Hilma af Klint?

    Before the rediscovery of the Swedish artist Hilma af Klint, it was believed that Wassily Kandinsky was the first modern artist to turn to abstraction. However, there is a theory suggesting that Kandinsky was actually influenced by Hilma af Klint’s works, which he might have seen years before moving to abstract art himself. Read on to learn more about this fascinating theory.

    Hilma af Klint, the Forgotten Pioneer of Abstract Art

    The gradual shift from figurative to abstract art is one of the most researched and debated aspects in art history. However, there is still enough room for debate and there are many questions left unanswered. For years, it was believed that a Russian-born artist Wassily Kandinsky was the first western artist to turn to abstract art, with his 1910 Untitled watercolor. The date is however questionable, since Kandinsky dated his paintings himself, and, reportedly, misattributed some works on purpose. In 1986, with the rediscovery of the works by a Swedish occultist Hilma af Klint, the narrative gradually started to change.

    There were several issues with adding Hilma af Kint to the art historical canon. First of all, the artist worked in almost complete isolation. She rarely exhibite


  • 1. Wassily KandinskyWassily Kandinsky
  • 2. Kandinsky.-Murnau. Casas en el Obermarkt. 1908Kandinsky.-Murnau. Casas en el Obermarkt. 1908 Óleo sobre lienzo. Museo Thyssen.Óleo sobre lienzo. Museo Thyssen. Para Kandinsky, los años comprendidos entre 1904 y 1908 fueron años de viajes, la mayoría de los cuales realizó en compañía de la joven artista alemana Gabriele Münter, a la que había conocido en Múnich en 1902. Durante 1904 y 1905 visitaron Holanda, Italia y el norte de África. La pareja se encontraba en París a partir de 1906-1907, y pasó seis meses en Berlín durante el invierno de 1907-1908, regresando finalmente a Múnich en el invierno de 1908. A partir de entonces, pasaron unas temporadas en la capital bávara y otras en el pueblo de Murnau, a unos ochenta kilómetros al sur de Múnich, que visitaron por primera vez juntos en el transcurso de una breve excursión que realizaron a mediados de junio de 1908. A ambos les encantó el lugar y, a instancias de Kandinsky, Münter compró una casa allí en agosto de 1909. A partir de esa fecha y hasta que en 1914 estalla la guerra, ella y Kandinsky, a menudo en compañía de otros artistas entre los que se encuentran los compatriotas de Kandinsky, Alexei Jawlensky y Marianne von Werefkin, pasan buena parte del año en Murnau, e