Arthur george tansley biography of william hill
Sir Arthur George Tansley, 1871–1955
3. Tansley and Ecology
A.G. Tansley – the founding figure of British ecology
By John Sheail, NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, UK.
John has written a history of the British Ecological Society and several books on the history of conservation and the environment movement.
Tansley’s career encompassed the late-nineteenth century emergence of British ecology, its long, hesitant development, and ecology’s eventual recognition through the establishment of the Nature Conservancy in 1949, an ecological research council of which Tansley was founder-chairman. Conscious of how he was neither a taxonomist nor experimentalist, Tansley brought rather a continuing preoccupation with philosophy and processes of thought in that emergent natural-science. As noted elsewhere on this site, social scientists have highlighted his promotion of Freudian psychology, and a perceived impact within the power politics of imperial resource-development. Harry Godwin, his principal biographer, remarked, Tansley ‘concealed in himself the potentialities of many personalities, or at least several careers’115,116. Whatever the particular pursuit or sentiment, he strove for the rigour which meri
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Philosophy show Ecology: Breakout Science persuade Synthes
Tansley, Sir Arthur George
(b. London, England, 15 August 1871;
d. Grantchester, England, 25 November 1955), ecology, psychology.
A man of twin professional preoccupations, Tansley was the most eminent British ecologist of his generation as well as an important early twentieth-century popularizer of Freudian psychoanalysis. His networking zeal led to the creation of several key organizations, including the British Ecological Society (BES), the world’s first national society of its kind, and the Nature Conservancy, of which he was the first chairman. Tansley was an influential editor and also worked to clarify both psychological and ecological terminology. In 1935, he introduced a central and still relevant concept—the “ecosystem.”
Early Influences. Tansley was the only son and youngest child of Amelia Lawrence and George Tansley. George had a lucrative business organizing society functions, and, after early retirement, he devoted his full energies to voluntary teaching at the Working Man’s College, where his real enthusiasm lay. Arthur became enthralled by field botany as a young teenager due in part to the example set by the masters at his preparatory school at Worthing who were avid field naturalists. His botanical library began to grow at this time and included