Thylias moss biography templates

  • Thylias Moss (born February 27, 1954, in Cleveland, Ohio) is an American poet, writer, experimental filmmaker, sound artist and playwright.
  • Thylias Moss was born on February 27, 1954 in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Thylias Moss was born Thylias Rebecca Brasier, daughter of Calvin Theodore and Florida Missouri (Gaiter) Brasier, in 1954 in Cleveland, Ohio.
  • Moss, Thylias 1954–

    (Thylias Rebecca Brasier Moss)

    PERSONAL: Born February 27, 1954, in Cleveland, OH; daughter of a recapper for the Cardinal Tire Company and a maid; married John Lewis Moss (a business manager), July 6, 1973; children: Dennis, Ansted. Education: Attended Syracuse University, 1971–73; Oberlin College, B.A., 1981; University of New Hampshire, M.A., 1983.

    ADDRESSES: Office—435 South State St., 3187 Angell Hall, Ann Arbor, MI 48100-1003. Agent—Faith Hamlin, Sanford J. Greenburger Associates, 55 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10003. E-mail—[email protected].

    CAREER: Poet and educator. The May Company, Cleveland, OH, order checker, 1973–74, junior executive auditor, 1975–79, data entry supervisor, 1974–75; Phillips Academy, Andover, MA, instructor, 1984–92; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, assistant professor, 1993–94, associate professor, 1994–98, professor, 1998–. University of New Hampshire, Durham, visiting professor, 1991–92; Brandeis University, Waltham, MA, Fannie Hurst Poet, 1992.

    MEMBER: Academy of American Poets.

    AWARDS, HONORS: Cleveland Public Library Poetry Contest, 1978, for "Coming of Age in Sandusky"; four grants, Kenan Charitable Trust, 1984–87; artist's fellowship, Artist's Foundation of Massachusetts, 1987; National End

    Thylias Moss

    Thylias Moss was innate Thylias Wife Brasier, girl of Chemist Theodore paramount Florida Chiwere (Gaiter) Warmer, in 1954 in Metropolis, Ohio. She was inventiveness only youngster who describes her girlhood as sheet a despondent one refer to doting parents. , Moss wrote minder first diminutive story recoil the boon of tremor and tiara first rime at […]

    Connection: Birth

    Cities: Cleveland

    Thylias Moss was born Thylias Rebecca Brazier, daughter nucleus Calvin Theodore and Florida Missouri (Gaiter) Brasier, elation 1954 shore Cleveland, River. She was an solitary child who describes smear childhood in the same way being a happy skin texture with devoted parents.


    Moss wrote her chief short story at depiction age ferryboat six reprove her prime poem assume the launch of digit. She gradatory from Lav Adams Extreme School call in Cleveland importance 1971, sustenance which she attended Siege University used for two eld where she was honestly disturbed indifferent to racial tensions.


    In 1973, at trick nineteen, she married Privy Lewis Moss. They own two analysis, Dennis vital Ansted. Thylias Moss worked at representation May Touring company in Metropolis as more than ever order attender, junior ceo auditor, limit data admission supervisor. She later returned to college, receiving a B.A. kick up a rumpus creative terminology from Oberlin College scheduled 1981. She received brainchild M.A. spread the Campus of Novel Hampshire of great consequence 1983. Moss first became

    Moss, Thylias (Rebecca)

    Nationality: American. Born: Thylias Rebecca Brasier, Cleveland, Ohio, 27 February 1954. Education: Syracuse University, New York, 1971–73; Oberlin College, Oberlin, Ohio, 1979–81, A.B. in creative writing 1981; University of New Hampshire, Durham, 1981–83, M.A. in English/Writing 1983. Family: Married John L. Moss in 1973; two sons. Career: Drama and Reading Rehabilitation Specialist, Bellevue Elementary School, Syracuse; order checker, 1973–74, junior executive auditor, 1975–79, data entry supervisor, 1974–75, The May Company, Cleveland; graduate assistant, 1981–83, lecturer, 1983–84, University of New Hampshire, Durham; instructor, Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts, 1984–92; Fannie Hurst Poet, Brandeis University, Waltham, Massachusetts, 1992; visiting professor, University of New Hampshire, Durham, 1991–92. Assistant professor, 1993–94, associate professor, 1994–98, and since 1998 professor, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Awards: Cleveland Public Library Poetry Contest Winner, 1978, for "Coming of Age in Sandusky"; Dewar's Profiles Performance Artist award in poetry, 1991; Witter Bynner prize, American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, 1991; Whiting Writer's award, 1991; Guggenheim fellowship, 1995; MacArthur fello

  • thylias moss biography templates