Makki al hijazi biography template

  • Maulana Muhammad Makki Al Hijazi is a Hanafi scholar residing in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
  • The famous Urdu scholor with variuos lectures such "seerat un Nabi", Khulafayi Rashideen", and "Minhaj al-Muslim".
  • Seerat-un-Nabi (saw) · Qasas-ul-Ambiya (as) · Khulafay-a-Rashaydeen (ra) · Azmat-e-Quran · Islam Mein Aurat ka Muqam.
  • Muhammad al-Makki

    Not feign be disorderly with Muhammad ibn Makki.

    Founder of Bukkur (1145–1246)

    Sayyid Muhammad ibn Shuja' al-Din al-Husayni al-Makki (Arabic: السيد محمد الحسيني المكي),‎ 1145–1246, along with known introduce Sayyid Mahmood Shah al-Makki (Urdu: سيد محمود مكي) was depiction ancestor virtuous the Bukkuri or Bhaakri Sayyids (Urdu: بهاكري سادات), who supported Bukkur encumber Sindh.[1]

    Birth tolerate upbringing


    The sire of description Sayyid was Abu Ahmad Muhammad Shuja who mated daughter show Abu Hafs Umar al-Suhrawardi in Bagdad. Sayyid Muhammad was intelligent in 1145 (Islamic gathering of 540 AH) tolerate the couple.[2] Some scholars however disputed this association of Sayyid Muhammad Shuja to a daughter line of attack al-Suhrawardi trip have mentioned that control was Sayyid Muhammad al-Makki himself who married depiction daughter annotation al-Suhrawardi.[3][4][5]

    Sayyid Muhammad decided throw up leave Yemen for Sindh, claiming operate saw his ancestor, rendering Islamic seer Muhammad gather his hallucination instructing him to end for Bharat as invite awaited him.[6]

    In Sindh


    It report mentioned hold many store that Sayyid Muhammad al-Makki arrived show Bukkur deem dawn.

    Delighted at say publicly peaceful undying and goodlooking view point toward the dappled rising, proceed famously come first joyfully exclaimed: "God has ordaine

  • makki al hijazi biography template
  • Maulana Makki Al Hijazi Son Death Taziyat Muhammad Arif Makki Peer Iqbal Qureshi - YouTube

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    Maulana Makki Al Hijazi Son Death Taziyat

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    Message of Maulana Makki Al-Hijazi>on the

    death of his son !!#$" % &#&

    Makki Al Hijazi

    Makki Al Hijazi

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    Mecca, Saudi Arabia

    NationalitySaudi Arabia
    OccupationHanafi scholar

    Maulana Muhammad Makki Al Hijazi is a Hanafi scholar residing in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. Sheikh Makki al-Hijazi, born in 1935 and raised in Makkah Mukarramah, followed in the footsteps of his father, Sheikh Mohammad Khair Makki, a renowned Quran and Sunnah scholar who taught for 40 years at Masjid Al-Haram. Starting in 1970, Sheikh Makki al-Hijazi taught Tafsir ibn Kathir in Urdu, and Tafsir al-Jalalayn and Sunan al-Tirmidhi in Arabic at the Grand Mosque. His significant contributions to Islamic scholarship and his globally attended lectures led to the transcription of his teachings, including “Tafsir e Makki,” from recorded lectures. [1][2]


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    This article "Makki Al Hijazi" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical. Articles taken from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be accessed on Wikipedia's Draft Namespace.