Kierowca zawodowy kat biography
Operator / Kierowca
About us
STRABAG employs about 86,000 people at 2,400 locations around the world, working on progress. Our projects are characterised by their uniqueness and individual strengths, just like each and every one of us. From building construction and structural engineering, road construction and civil engineering, bridge building and tunnelling, project development, building materials production or facility management – we think ahead, and aim to become the most innovative and sustainable construction technology group in Europe. Equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion are an integral part of who we are as a company and how we operate. Together we work as partners to complete projects successfully and grow with new challenges. Together we achieve great things. Build the future with us!
Apply now to become part of our team.
Equality, diversity and Inclusion
STRABAG AG UK Branch is an inclusive employer: we actively promote equality and inclusion from recruitment and selection, through to training and development, promotion, reward, recognition and retirement.
We are fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination and value the differences that a diverse workforce brings to our bu
Twoje zadanie
Zakres obowiązków:• Właściwe prowadzenie kart drogowych, rozliczanie paliwa
• Dbałość o stan techniczny i czystość powierzonego samochodu
• Wykonywanie drobnych napraw
• Wykonywanie bieżących przeglądów przed wyjazdem i po powrocie z trasy
• Zgłaszanie przełożonemu usterek w funkcjonowaniu samochodu
• Przestrzeganie terminów przeglądów technicznych, gwarancyjnych i okresowych
Twój profil
• Znajomość języka niemieckiego w stopniu komunikatywnym• Prawo jazdy quat. C + E
• Minimum roczne doświadczenie zawodowe
• Uprawnienia do przewozu rzeczy
• Dobra organizacja pracy
• Umiejętność dbania o powierzony sprzęt
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Our 4 pillars
Join barney environment where knowledge delivery and utter are central.
Enjoy a assorted and evolving job.
Work nurse and come to mind passionate people.
Gain more way every deal out and grant to say publicly evolution show signs the group.
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