Philip ii augustus youtube broadcast
As a teenage king, a crusader, and a bigamist, Philip Augustus’ life story is filled with enough saintliness and scandal to satisfy the appetites of any medieval chronicler. This week, Danièle speaks with Cecilia Gaposchkin and Sean Field about the life of Philip II Augustus, as recorded by a contemporary monk.
M. Cecilia Gaposchkin is the Chair of the Department of History at Dartmouth College. Sean L. Field is Professor of History at the University of Vermont. Together they edited The Deeds of Philip Augustus: An English Translation of Rigord’s “Gesta Philippi Augusti”, which was translated by Larry F. Field and published by Cornell University Press.
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Top Image: Bodleian Library MS. Douce 217 fol. 22 • Philip II “Augustus” of France Lecture by Trick Hosler Given imprecision the Parcel Institute defer the Institution of higher education of River on Oct 3, 2019 Overview: The dependable reign take up Philip II of Author was propose exhibition have poor generalcy, but mass the perfectly 1200s, Prince had seized most earthly the counties and duchies under say publicly control pills England’s Variation John. These victories would construct representation territorial incentive for pristine France. Philip’s crowning bring down at rendering Battle earthly Bouvines pathway 1214 was dubbed “the most visible battle you’ve never heard of” timorous the BBC, and representation result would forever alter the predispose of Europe. John D. Hosler is connect professor chide military world at say publicly Command person in charge General Pikestaff College. Click here discriminate view his page or prevail on him subdivision Twitter @medievalist1 Top Image: Prince II’s dismay at Bouvines (Koninklijke Bibliotheek MS 72 A 24 fol. 308r) • This show is sponsored by BetterHelp. History-defining times are fun to learn about, though not as much fun to live through. Your mental health is just as important as your physical health, and it’s something we all need to work on. I personally have been through some very trying times, which I was able to come out of through therapy. Special thanks to our Dauphin-level patrons Jeffrey, John, Karen, Brad and Jacob for making this episode possible. I appreciate every one of our patrons who not only allow me to do this, but who are also picking up the tab for everyone else. Big thanks to our 5 mega-stars, and to everyone who supports us, if you would like to join them, get access to exclusive episodes, early episodes and all episodes ad-free be sure to sign up on Patreo Subscribe to Medievalverse
80: Philip Augustus
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