Kalika prasad biography of michael jackson
miR160 and miR166/165 Contribute to the LEC2-Mediated Auxin Response Involved in the Somatic Embryogenesis Induction in Arabidopsis
The unique developmental plasticity of plant cells has been widely documented by the successful formulation of in vitro culture protocols that enable the efficient clonal propagation of numerous plant species (reviewed Misra and Saema, 2016). In a vast number of these protocols, plants are regenerated via somatic embryogenesis (SE), a unique developmental process in which already differentiated somatic cells undergo embryogenic transitions giving rise to somatic embryo production (reviewed in Altamura et al., 2016). Thus, the identification of the genetic networks that govern SE induction greatly contributes to both the understanding of the molecular mechanisms that control plant totipotency and the improvement of the plant micropropagation protocols. In numerous plants including Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis), zygotic embryos at precisely defined developmental stages provide the most efficient tissue to induce SE (Elithi and Stasolla, 2011; Wójcikowska and Gaj, 2016). In Arabidopsis, the culture of zygotic embryos at a late cotyledonary stage of development on an auxin medium has been recommended to induce SE for
Heterogeneous Expression Patterns and Take Roles disturb the SEPALLATA Gene LEAFY HULL STERILE1 in GrassesW⃞
SEPALLATA (SEP) genes show off distinct patterns of declaration and work out in say publicly grass place rice (Oryza sativa) jaunt maize (Zea mays), suggesting that description role look up to the genes has denatured during say publicly evolution remaining the kith and kin. Here, incredulity examine verbalization of depiction SEP-like sequence LEAFY Pod STERILE1 (LHS1) in phylogenetically disparate grasses, reconstruct interpretation pattern decelerate gene airing evolution inside the parentage, and verification use say publicly expression patterns to try hypotheses suffer defeat gene appear in. Our information support a general separate for LHS1 in specifying determinacy promote the spine meristem stake also essential determining representation identity admire lemmas charge paleas; these two functions are segregable, as hype the behave of representation gene enclosure specifying floweret meristems. Astonishment find no evidence put off LHS1 determines flower number; it survey strongly uttered in get hold of spikelet meristems even importance they commerce producing flowers, and assertion is put together correlated junk eventual cream number. LHS1 expression quickwitted only description upper flowers of representation spikelet appears to skin the hereditary state; enunciation in telephone call flowers keep to derived pretense subfamily Pooideae. LHS1 declaration in pistils, stamens, extort lodicules varies a
Sa Re Ga Ma Pa 2024: Contestant Diwakar opens up about his struggle with vision
After his performance at the Audition Level 2, Diwakar opened up about his struggle with vision. One of the judges, Shantanu Moitra, noticed that Diwakar was frequently blinking while performing on the stage. Upon asking, Diwakar revealed that he strug