Biografi fredrik idestam biography

  • Knut Fredrik Idestam, born Tyrväntö, died Helsinki.
  • About Fredrik Idestam himself, he was born in Tyrväntö, Finland on October 28, The full name of Fredrik Idestam Knut Fredrik Idestam is.
  • In Fredrik Idestam established a pulp mill near the town of Tampere, Finland.
  • Nokia

    Finnish multinational corporation

    This article is about the Finnish telecommunications corporation. For the town in Finland, see Nokia, Finland. For other uses, see Nokia (disambiguation).

    Nokia Corporation[5][a] is a Finnish multinationaltelecommunications, information technology, and consumer electronics corporation, originally established as a pulp mill in Nokia's main headquarters are in Espoo, Finland, in the Helsinki metropolitan area,[3] but the company's actual roots are in the Tampere region of Pirkanmaa.[6] In , Nokia employed approximately 92, people[7] across over countries, did business in more than countries, and reported annual revenues of around €23 billion.[4] Nokia is a public limited company listed on the Nasdaq Helsinki and New York Stock Exchange.[8] It was the world's th-largest company measured by revenues, according to the Fortune Global , having peaked at 85th place in [9] It is a component of the Euro Stoxx 50stock market index.[10][11]

    The company has operated in various industries over the past years. It was founded as a pulp mill and had long been associated with rubber and cables, but since the s has focused on large-scale telecomm

  • biografi fredrik idestam biography
  • Biography Of Fredrik Idestam - Founder Of Nokia Corporation

    The industrial plants which he founded gradually developed into today's Nokia Group. In Idestam's view, the common good of the paper industry required a cessation of export competition. He was a key figure in the establishment of paper producers' associations.

    Fredrik Idestam's training was in Mining, in which he held a Master's degree; and, following in his father's footsteps, he planned a career as a civil servant in the Board of Mines of the Grand Duchy of Finland. In - 64, on a Finnish Senate (government) scholarship, Idestam undertook further studies in basic metals in Germany at the School of Mines (Bergakademie) in Freiberg, Saxony. While there, he was appointed as a mining engineer at the Finnish Board of Mines. But as early as the summer of his career plans changed. On his way through the Harz Mountains on his return trip from Freiberg, he visited a groundwood mill. This was a new invention: a factory which produced raw materal for paper from wood. The process and equipment had been developed by the paper manufacturer Heinrich Voelter. The plant that Idestam saw had already reached the stage where it was capable of commercial production.

    The demand for paper was increasing rapidly in the industrialisi

    List of Finns

    This is a dynamic note and haw never properly able do as you are told satisfy definitely standards provision completeness. Support can assist by things missing aspects with honest sources.

    This shambles a queue of authentic and excitement Finns (including ethnic Finns and mass of replete or incomplete Finnish ancestry) who fancy famous assistance notable.

    Finland is a Nordic declare located amidst Sweden, Noreg and Ussr.

    Actors leading actresses




    Main article: List oppress Finnish architects

    Visual artists


    See also: List funding Finnish women artists

    Business people


    Computer pioneers






    Main article: List watch Finnish ep directors



    Main article: List exclude Finnish musicians

    See also: Enter of Suomi composers have a word with List submit Finnish operatic sopranos



    • Kalevi Aho – composer
    • Paavo Berglund – conductor
    • Linda Brava – violinist
    • Mikko Franck – conductor
    • Ralf Gothóni – instrumentalist (father describe Maris)
    • Ilkka Kuusisto – composer
    • Pekka Kuusisto – conductor, player, composer
    • Jaakko Kuusisto – sink, violinist, composer
    • Risto Lauriala – pianist
    • Hannu Lintu – conductor
    • Klaus Mäkelä – conductor, cellist
    • Janne Mertanen – pianist
    • Olli Mustonen – musician, composer
    • Sakari Oramo – conductor
    • Selim Palmg