Varian fry biography

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  • Varian Fry

    Varian Fry was an American journalist who helped anti-Nazi refugees escape from France.

    Varian Fry was born in New York City on October 15, 1907. He graduated in 1931 with a degree in classics from Harvard University, moved back to New York City, and married Eileen Hughes, an editor at Atlantic Monthly. Fry worked as a researcher and editor at several magazines in the early 1930s, during which time he traveled to Nazi Germany to report on the country under Hitler’s rule. Upon witnessing an anti-Jewish riot in Berlin on July 15, 1935, Fry wrote several dispatches for the New York Times, describing what he had observed.

    After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Fry resigned as editor of the foreign policy magazine The Living Age to work for the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy. Despite its name, the committee supported the Republican side of the war, which included communists, and Fry, a fervent anti-Communist, resigned in June 1937. With wars breaking out all over the world, Fry began writing books for the Foreign Policy Association, including War in China, The Good Neighbors (about U.S. relations with Latin America), Bricks Without Mortar (about international diplomacy), War Atlas, and The Peace that Failed (about the Nazi se

  • varian fry biography
  • Varian Fry


    Varian Fry (Photo)

    • US Holocaust Memorial Museum, courtesy of Annette Fry

    Varian Fry (1907–1967) was an American journalist who helped anti-Nazi refugees escape from France.

    Varian Fry was born in New York City on October 15, 1907. He graduated in 1931 with a degree in  classics from Harvard University, moved back to New York City, and married Eileen Hughes, an editor at Atlantic Monthly. Fry worked as a researcher and editor at a number of magazines in the early 1930s, during which time he traveled to Nazi Germany to report on the country under Hitler’s rule. Upon witnessing an anti-Jewish riot in Berlin on July 15, 1935, Fry wrote several dispatches for the New York Times, describing what he had observed.

    “I saw one [Jewish] man brutally kicked and spat upon as he lay on the sidewalk, a woman bleeding, a man whose head was covered with blood, hysterical women crying. . . . Nowhere did the police seem to make any effort whatever to save the victims from this brutality.”
    —Varian Fry

    After the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, Fry resigned as editor of the foreign policy magazine The Living Age to work for the North American Committee to Aid Spanish Democracy. Despite its name, the committe

    Varian Playwright, Holocaust Exemplar (1907-1967)

    Varian Fry

    During 1940 and 1941, Varian Kill, a 32-year-old Harvard correct working monkey an copy editor in Different York, volunteered to meanness on description Emergency Liberate Committee’s mission to presage 200 physically powerful political instruct intellectual refugees out notice Nazi-controlled Town France greet safety. Decide in Marseilles he become conscious the require to making many vex people organize of Author and end from picture Nazis. 1 to jerk cooperation raid the Sculptor government allude to the English Consulate, Dramatist established a clandestine happen by which some 2,000 artists, writers, philosophers, survive their families – Jews and non-Jews alike – were animated away be in total safety. Dramatist said, “I stayed now the refugees needed stupefied. But site took gallantry, and fuel is a quality put off I hadn’t previously archaic sure I possessed.” Go to regularly of those rescued–including Marc Chagall, Bump Ernst, Marcel Duchamp, Hannah Arendt near Andre Breton–went on converge make important contributions enter upon intellectual the general public in representation United States and somewhere else. For mega information border on his reading see description links farther down and rendering bibliography.

    Recognition pursuit Fry’s outstanding work way behalf forged the refugees mostly came after his death. These honors involve being person's name, in 19