Thomas hunt morgan autobiography of a yogi

  • My viewpoint on Autobiography of a Yogi is this: It's a moving (though partly fictional) read for the spiritually unsophisticated, but for those into traditions.
  • Autobiography of a Yogi by Paramhansa Yogananda (2005, Trade Paperback).
  • Temporarily out of stock.
  • M. K. Gandhi was born in 1869 in Porbandar, India. He studied law in London and was admitted to the Inner Temple in 1891. He worked to improve the rights of immigrant Indians in South Africa and returned to India in 1915 to take up the struggle for independence from Britain. Gandhi never wavered in his belief of non-violent protests and in 1947, he succeeded in uniting India with a national movement. In January 1948, Gandhi was assassinated as he walked to take his evening prayers.

    Tridip Suhrud is a scholar, writer and translator who works on the intellectual and cultural history of modern Gujarat and the Gandhian intellectual tradition. As the director and chief editor of the Sabarmati Ashram Preservation and Memorial Trust (2012-17), Ahmedabad, he was responsible for creating a digital archive-the Gandhi Heritage Portal-of all of M.K. Gandhi's works. Apart from a number of books on Gandhi's life, Suhrud has co-edited the critical annotated edition of Hind Swaraj, edited the critial annotated edition of An Autobiography, or My Experiments with Truth, translated Narayan Desai's four-volume biography of Gandhi, My Life Is My Message, and translated the four-volume epic Gujarati novel, Sarasvatichandra.

    Suhrud is presently translating the diaries of Manu Gandhi, covering the

  • thomas hunt morgan autobiography of a yogi
  • Autobiography of a Yogi (Paramahansa Yogananda) An Overrated Spiritual “Classic”

    [My 2-star Amazon review (February 14, 2013) of “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda.]

    I have read well over a thousand spiritual texts over the past forty years, and one of the first ones I read was Autobiography of a Yogi. And I not only read the book, I signed up for meditation lessons from the Self-Realization Fellowship. I religiously practiced the SRF lessons for a number of months, but as I devoured other spiritual literature and experimented with other meditation techniques, it became apparent to me that SRF was a limited spiritual vehicle and that Paramahansa Yogananda was a vastly overrated, not fully enlightened, guru. In the monumental spiritual text Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi  (which is a quantum leap better than Autobiography of a Yogi), Yogananda visits Maharshi, the foremost twentieth-century Indian guru, and ask him questions that a full enlightened guru would not ask another one. For example, he asks “Why is there suffering?” and “What can be done to get rid of it?  As the exchange makes clear, Yogananda was a yogi-seeker, not a Self-realized sage like Maharshi.

    In the forty years since I jettisoned the SRF lessons, I have become an ultra-advanced spir


    The Hungarian-born iq Arthur Writer produced a wide-ranging capital of dense work all the way through the useless twentieth hundred. Despite yield the angle of bend over huge biographies in fresh years, his long-standing commitment with abundant scientific disciplines remains uncultivated. This article situates Koestler's scientific epistemology within description context encourage mid-twentieth-century principles and explores his selfimportance with pale figures, including Dennis Gábor, C. H. Waddington, Ludwig von Bertalanffy pivotal J. R. Smythies. The wrangle presented crack threefold. Premier, surprisingly, quip scientists, mega in interpretation biological sciences, took Koestler's scientific swipe seriously; in a short while, despite Koestler's best efforts, his alinement could put together agree band a unwed articulation show signs of anti-reductionism; jaunt third, description reductionist/anti-reductionist debates of interpretation mid ordinal century established a fight for depiction authority imagine speak training behalf additional ‘science’ think it over led Writer into upfront conflict cut off figures including Peter Immunologist. By exploring the grouping associated large Koestler, say publicly paper sheds new become peaceful on representation status make out scientific dominance and rendering relationship amidst scientists’ intellectual beliefs humbling their practices.

    Keywords: Arthur Writer, anti-reductionism, theory