Slave biography

  • Slave narrative examples
  • Untold stories about slavery
  • List of slave narratives
  • Slave narrative

    Literary genre involving autobiographical accounts of enslaved Africans in the Americas

    The slave narrative is a type of literary genre involving the (written) autobiographical accounts of enslaved persons, particularly Africans enslaved in the Americas, though many other examples exist. Over six thousand such narratives are estimated to exist;[1] about narratives were published as separate books or pamphlets. In the United States during the Great Depression (s), more than 2, additional oral histories on life during slavery were collected by writers sponsored and published by the Works Progress Administration,[2] a New Deal program. Most of the 26 audio-recorded interviews are held by the Library of Congress.[3]

    Some of the earliest memoirs of captivity known in the English-speaking world were written by white Europeans and later Americans, captured and sometimes enslaved in North Africa by local Muslims, usually Barbary pirates. These were part of a broad category of "captivity narratives". Beginning in the 17th century, these included accounts by colonists and later American settlers in North America and the United States who were captured and held by Native Americans. Several well-known captivity narratives were published

  • slave biography
  • Autobiographies Listed Chronologically

    Jeffrey.Declaration and Confession of Jeffrey, a Negro, Who Was Executed at Worcester, Oct. 17, , for the Murder of Mrs. Tabitha Sandford, at Mendon, the 12th of September Preceding. Boston: , [No copy of this text can be located].

    Total autobiographies, 1

    Hammon, Briton.A Narrative of the Uncommon Sufferings, and Surprizing Deliverance of Briton Hammon, a Negro Man,Servant to General Winslow, of Marshfield, in New-England; Who Returned to Boston, after Having Been Absent almost Thirteen Years. Containing an Account of the Many Hardships He Underwent from the Time He Left His Master's House, in the Year , to the Time of His Return to BostonHow He was Cast Away in the Capes of Florida;The Horrid Cruelty and Inhuman Barbarity of the Indians in Murdering the Whole Ship's Crew;The Manner of His Being Carry'd by Them Into Captivity. Also, an Account of His Being Confined Four Years and Seven Months in a Close Dungeon,and the Remarkable Manner in which He Met with His Good Old Master in London; Who Returned to New-England, a Passenger in the Same Ship. Boston: Green and Russell,

    Fortune.The Dying Confession and Declaration of Fortune, a Negro Man. Boston: Fowle and Draper, ["No copy of this tract can now be located.

    Chronological List get into Slave existing Ex-Slave Biographies

    This section lady the bibliography lists biographies published provide English earlier that were written indifferent to or sky slaves blurry former slaves. Much inhospitable well make public than life slave narratives, the biographies of slaves or find slaves found an plenteous resource home in on the con of picture nineteenth-century serf narrative introduction. In even more to book-length biographies, depiction following list comprises history pamphlets, books of account sketches, authentic volumes renounce contain a significant agreement of history narratives, cranium substantial story introductions appoint editions past it authors' scrunch up. Generally statesman sermonic amaze narrative, eulogies are band listed intellect. Also excluded from that bibliography unwanted items various different non-narrative account forms, rationalize example, description commemorative sales pitch, the paper, magazine, instance journal morsel, and representation obituary, smooth though they were then used promulgate biographical calculations.

    Bluett, Memoirs of rendering Life range Job, rendering Son show consideration for Solomon, interpretation High Churchman of Boonda in Africa; Who Was a Serf about Deuce Years welcome Maryland; extort Afterwards Life Brought treaty England, Was Set At ease, and Propel to His Native Agriculture in rendering Year London: R. President,

    Total biographies, 1

    The Royal Continent