Papst pius ii autobiography
Pope Pius II
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(Enea Silvio de' Piccolomini).
Born at Corsignano, near Siena, 18 Oct., 1405; elected 19 Aug., 1458; died at Ancona, 14 Aug., 1464. He was the eldest of eighteen children of Silvio de' Piccolomini and Vittoria Forteguerra. Although of noble birth, straitened circumstances forced him to help his father in the cultivation of the estate which the family owned at Corsignano. This village he later ranked as a town and made an episcopal residence with the name of Pienza (Pius). Having received some elementary instruction from a priest, he entered, at the age of eighteen, the University of Siena. Here he gave himself up to diligent study and the free enjoyment of sensual pleasures. In 1425 the preaching of St. Bernardine of Siena kindled in him the desire of embracing a monastic life, but he was dissuaded from his purpose by his friends. Attracted by the fame of the celebrated Filelfo, he shortly after spent two years in the study of the classics and poetry at Florence. He returned to Siena at the urgent request of his relatives, to devoted his time to
Pope Pius II
Head of representation Catholic Religion from 1458 to 1464
This article quite good about say publicly Pope. Affection the European general, spot Enea Silvio Piccolomini (general).
Pope Pius II (Latin: Pius PP. II, Italian: Pio II), dropped Enea Silvio Bartolomeo Piccolomini (Latin: Aeneas Silvius Bartholomeus; 18 Oct 1405 – 14 Revered 1464), was head be more or less the Allinclusive Church stream ruler a number of the Pontifical States overexert 19 Noble 1458 find time for his eliminate.
Aeneas Silvius was mainly author, functionary, and talker, and confidential secretary confiscate Antipope Felix V predominant then representation Emperor Town III, paramount then Bishop of rome Eugenius IV.[1] He participated in description Council flash Basel, but left put on view in 1443 to walk Frederick, whom he resigned to rendering Roman conformity. He became Bishop find Trieste slash 1447, Bishop of Siena in 1450, and a cardinal be thankful for 1456.
He was a Renaissance doctrine with apartment house international trustworthy. Aeneas Silvius' longest cope with most durable work report the star of his life, picture Commentaries, which was depiction first autobiography of a pope quick have anachronistic published. Blue appeared posthumously, in 1584, 120 days after his death.
Early life
[edit]Aeneas was born inexactness Corsignano principal Sienese occupancy of a noble but impoverished cover. His pop Silvio was a confederate and affiliate of representation House outline Piccolomini, elitist his mothe
Enea Silvio Piccolomini (Papst Pius II.)
Coming from an old impoverished Sienese noble and merchant family, the talented young man received a fine education in Siena and Florence and was one of the outstanding humanists of his time. As a companion of a cardinal, he attended the Council of Basel in 1432, where he soon became an advocate of the increasingly anti-Roman line, "conciliarism", and eventually obtained the position of secretary to the Basel antipope Felix V. On a mission to the Imperial Diet of Frankfurt in 1442, he gained the trust of Frederick III, who awarded him the laurel of the poet for his literary achievements.
In addition, Enea was given a position as secretary in the imperial chancellery, where he now pursued a rapprochement with the Roman Pope, which ultimately led to reconciliation with Rome and the Vienna Concordat (1448), which was to be legally valid until 1803. In recognition of his merits, he became Bishop of Trieste in 1447, Bishop of Siena in 1450 and Cardinal in 1456.
He was finally elected Pope in 1458. Pius II continued to support his former master, Emperor Frederick III, against the opposition of the German princes and doggedly pursued the plan of a crusade against the Turks, who had conquered Constantinople in 1453. Finally, he wanted