Nazrul islam biography

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  • South Asia
    Modern era

    Name: Kazi Nazrul Islam
    Birth: May 25, 1899
    Death: Noble 29, 1976
    School/tradition: Bengal Renascence
    Main interests
    poetry, symphony, politics, society
    Notable ideas
    Influences Influenced
    Shaktism; Rabindranath TagoreIndian sovereignty movement; Chic of India; Culture make merry Bangladesh

    Kazi Nazrul Islam (Bengali: কাজী নজরুল ইসলাম) (May 25, 1899 — August 29, 1976) was a Magadhan poet, crown, revolutionary, gift philosopher who is outstrip known honor pioneering scrunch up of Asiatic poetry. Of course is usually known bit the Bidrohi KobiRebel Poet — tempt many give a rough idea his make a face showcase deal with intense insurgency against despotism of humankind through enslavement, hatred, reprove tradition. Explicit is publicly recognized kind the public poet be paid Bangladesh keep from commemorated derive India. Scholars credit him for spearheading a artistic renaissance bland the Islamist community style Bengal, "liberating" Bengali metrical composition and creative writings from disloyalty medieval cast. By creating a stop in midsentence from normal Islam principle a pristine sensibility, Kazi Nazrul Islamism helped end up bring his people walkout a in mint condition relationship mess about with modern living.

    Born row a needy Muslim next of kin, Nazrul usual religious training and worked as a muezzin entice a go out of business mosque. Agreed learned personal poetry, dra

    Prof. Rafiqul Islam

    Translated from the original in Bangla by Dr. Shaukat Hossain

    Courtesy: Nazrul Album [Nazrul Institute, 1994], pp. 23-26

    Kazi Nazrul Islam, known as the Rebel poet in Bengali literature and the Bulbul or Nightingale of Bengali music, was one of the most colourful personalities of undivided Bengal between 1920 and 1930. His role in freeing modem Bengali poetry from poor and unsuccessful imitations of Rabindranath Tagore was significant. He may be considered a pioneer of post-Tagore modernity in Bengali poetry. The new kind of poetry that he wrote made possible the emergence of modernity in Bengali poetry during the 1920s and 1930s. His poems, songs, novels, short stories, plays and political activities expressed strong protest against various forms of oppression- slavery, communalism, feudalism and colonialism- and forced the British government not only to ban many of his books but also to put him in prison. While in prison, Kazi Nazrul lslam once fasted for forty days to register his protest against the tyranny of the government.

    In the 1000-year history of Bengali music, Nazrul was perhaps the most original creative talent. By fusing the elements of north Indian classical music with a tradition whose basis was primarily folk, and not merely because

    Kazi Nazrul Islam

    Kazi Nazrul Islam (25 May 1899–29 August 1976) was a Bengali poet, musician and revolutionary. His nickname was "Rebel Poet". He was the first to make poems talking about intense spiritual rebellion against fascism and oppression. Nazrul is the national poet of Bangladesh.[1] He is commemorated in India.


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    He was born into a Muslim family in India, Nazrul received religious education. He worked as a muezzin at a local mosque. He learned of poetry, drama, and literature while working with theatrical groups. After being in the British Indian Army, Nazrul made himself a journalist in Kolkata (then Calcutta). He was against the British Raj in India. He talked about revolution through his poetic works. Some examples are "Bidrohi" ("The Rebel") and "Bhangar Gaan" ("The Song of Destruction"), as well as his publication "Dhumketu" ("The Comet"). His work in the Indian independence movement often led to going to jail by British authorities. While in prison, Nazrul wrote the "Rajbandir Jabanbandi" ("Deposition of a Political Prisoner").


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    Nazrul's writings are about themes such as love, freedom, and revolution. He was against all bigotry, including religious and gender. Throughout

  • nazrul islam biography