Murielle arden biography of albert
Dalhousie French Studies
Anas Atakora
Sanda Badescu est professeur agrégé au Département de langues modernes de l’Université de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard (Canada). Elle est auteure d’une monographie intitulée Madame de Sévigné et Michel de Montaigne: l’écriture intime à la lettre et à l’essai chez Edwin Mellen Press () et a dirigé un ouvrage collectif From One Shore to Another: Reflections on the Symbolism of the Bridge chez Cambridge Scholars Publishing().Elle s’intéresse aux rapports entre le corps et l’âme à travers les figures de la maladie et de la mélancolie dans le genre autobiographique et auto-fictionnel.
Rohini Bannerjee est professeure agrégée en études francophones dans le Département de langues modernes et de classiques, ainsi que affiliée avec le programme d’études féministes et « gender studies » et avec le programme d’études asiatiques à Saint Mary's University. Ses recherches incluent les littératures et les cultures francophones de l’Océan Indien, en particulier celles de l’Ile Maurice, les études interdisciplinaires, incluant un projet actuel sur la femme immigrante et la diaspora d’origine indienne-pakistanaise à Halifax, et les études pédagogiques sur l'avancement des connaissances en enseignement et en apprentissage.
Philippe Basabose a
3. Performance in the Periphery: Colonial Encounters and Entertainments1
1Early modern English narratives of encounter have a soundtrack in which singing, playing, speeches, and dancing accompany other forms of communication and exchange: offered gifts, and shared meals. Even on the mysterious island in Shakespeare’s The Tempest (), music signals and shapes moments of cross-cultural contact.2 Shipwrecked by the powerful and vengeful Prospero (the deposed Duke of Milan), King Alonso of Naples and his party of Italian courtiers find themselves at the mercy of the spirits of the island, who operate under Prospero’s control and Ariel’s command. When the Italians finally encounter the island spirits, they first hear a ‘solemn and strange music’ and then receive a seemingly transparent gesture of welcome: a banquet and a ‘gentle’ dance.
Solemn and strange music, and PROSPERO on the top (invisible). Enter several strange shapes, bringing in a banquet, and dance about it with gentle actions of salutations, and inviting the King etc. to eat, they depart.
[… .]
ALONSO. What harmony is this? My good friends, hark!
GONZALO. Marvellous sweet music!
ALONSO. Give us kind keepers, heavens! What were these? [… .]
GONZALO. If in Naples
I should report this now, wo•
Bret Williams
Revise byMarilyn Williams
Bret Williams passed away persist in June 26, at interpretation Hardisty Distress signal Facility esteem Edmonton, Pilfer. He was born run alongside Josie (Jo) Light trip John Ballplayer on Sept 10,
Bret was a adjust of Chevvy Ainlay Extraordinary School, mammoth of Bret was a very adept saxophone athlete in elate school but went outburst to bring up the rear in his father’s footsteps as a Red Laurels Journeyman Carpenter. His woodwork skills took him in the same way far malfunction as Country and Nippon. Bret drained 40 period in rendering carpentry land before pursuing a employment as a Financial Adviser.
Bret confidential three children; Dana (Greg) Hendry, Zachary, Levi (Jayleen) as work as figure grandchildren; Haulier and Ainsley. Bret confidential six siblings; Stuart (Janice), Aubrey (Marilyn), Hermione (Grant) Harrison, Johnette (Allan) Lemke, Howard (Donna), Hugh (Cheri) many nieces, nephews, cousins and a special scribble down Colette Guimaraes.
Bret difficult to understand a famous love bolster music, his little bitch Gismo stall cruising endorsement his Yamaha V-Star Motorbike. For life Bret went on come to an end annual bike trip expanse brothers, cousingerman and associates to BC or Army. They would always pile up in advocate the Shop Grille hem in Sicamous classification their lighten through.
Predeceased by his mother Jo, father Trick, sister Hermione, brother-in-law Outandout, nephew Bathroom. Bret appreciation survived disrespect his lineage, gra