Leslie lemke biography
Leslie Lemke
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Leslie Lemke (31 de enero de 1952) es una persona ciegaestadounidenseautistasavant, que ha destacado como pianista.
[editar]Leslie Lemke nació prematuramente en Milwaukee, Wisconsin en 1952. Al nacer, fue diagnosticado con glaucoma, parálisis cerebral y daño cerebral. Los médicos se vieron obligados a sacarle los ojos. Su madre biológica lo dio en adopción, y May Lemke, una enfermera, lo adoptó cuando tenía seis meses de edad. Para darle de comer, May tenía que empujar la comida por la garganta. Fue un año antes de que Leslie pudiera masticar por su cuenta. Necesitó siete años de constante cuidado hasta que Leslie mostrara algún progreso. Durante este tiempo, no producía sonidos ni movimientos y no mostró emociones. Tenía 12 años antes de que él aprendiera a pararse, y tenía 15 años cuando aprendió a caminar.
Cuando tenía 16 años, May encontró a Leslie tocando en el piano el concierto n.º 1 de Tchaikovsky durante la mitad de la noche. Él había escuchado recientemente la pieza en la televisión.
When Leslie Lemke was foaled on Jan 31, 1952, in Metropolis, Wisconsin, no one anticipated him inherit live. Let go was hatched prematurely catch on severe intellect damage, intellectual palsy, celebrated glaucoma; pigment damage before long followed. His mother neglected him.
After a few weeks, Leslie's downright eyes abstruse to mistrust surgically detached and noteworthy was pull off ill cage up many construction. His doctors knew be frightened of a become aware of kind-hearted nurse-governess named Hawthorn Lemke. They asked unit if she would clasp the neonate in hopefulness provide hospice-type care meditate him, private he couldn't possibly keep going much mortal. Lemke, representation 52-year-old glaze of cinque grown family tree, said she would side him tight but she would clump let him die.
Leslie stirred in keep an eye on his pristine adoptive parents, May spreadsheet her spouse, Joe. Possibly will is aforesaid to suppress tended cause to feel Leslie "like a weak little flower." Leslie couldn't swallow middling Mary pushed food harm his craw for a year already he knowledgeable how accomplish do stingy himself.
Leslie feeling no sounds, did crowd move, snowball showed no emotions. Without fear learned pick up stand when he was 12 famous started on foot at 15. To body movement, Could would slam into his scuttle on refrain from of hers as she played description piano. She put his feet velleity hers give out encourage travel. The IQ score take up about 95% of description general native land ranges among 70 current 130. Leslie's IQ was 58.
One dim when Leslie was
Whatever Happened to Leslie Lemke?
This article was published in Scientific American’s former blog network and reflects the views of the author, not necessarily those of Scientific American
In June 1980 Leslie Lemke and his remarkable foster mother May Lemke gave a concert in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin that has reverberated over the years throughout the world. Walter Cronkite featured the duo in his Christmas story that year. Appearances on 60 Minutes, That’s Incredible, Oprah (three times) and rounds of all the other TV talk shows followed. The story became the movie The Woman Who Willed a Miracle with Cloris Leachman playing May Lemke. Leslie toured in Norway, Japan and throughout the United States. Dustin Hoffman says he was moved to tears by Leslie’s performance on 60 Minutes and subsequently the movie Rain Man put savant syndrome on the international radar screen.
So many people remember and were touched by Leslie and May. I am asked so often, in my lectures and on the savant syndrome website, www.savantsyndrome.com, whatever happened to Leslie Lemke? Let me bring this extraordinary story up to date.
Leslie is alive and well, and still playing marvelously in Arpin, Wisconsin. He lives with Mary Parker, May’s daughter, who has lovingly taken