Joan of arc quotes biography video
Joan of Arc Quotes
Short Bio:
Joan of Arc was born in Domremy, France in1412. She is regarded as a Martyr, saint and military leader, whom at the age of 18 led the French army to victory over the English at Orléans.
More Notable Quotes:
"I am not afraid; I was born to do this.
" In His strength, I will dare and dare and dare until I die.
"I am the drum on which God is beating out his message.
"I would rather be a little nobody, then to be an evil somebody.
"Alas! that my body, clean and whole, never been corrupted, today must be consumed and burnt to ashes!
"Courage! Do not fall back.
"But I must go, and I must do this thing, because my Lord will have it so. Rather now than tomorrow, and tomorrow than the day after!
"Even though I saw the executioner and the fire, I could not say anything but what I have said.
"I'm gonna take it as it comes.
"I place trust in God, my creator, in all things; I love Him with all my heart.
"Joan of Arc" quotes
Heavy Cavalry of the Middle Ages
Joan of Arc’s Early Life
Born around 1412, Jeanne d’Arc (or in English, Joan of Arc) was the daughter of a tenant farmer, Jacques d’Arc, from the village of Domrémy, in northeastern France. She was not taught to read or write, but her pious mother, Isabelle Romée, instilled in her a deep love for the Catholic Church and its teachings.
At the time, France had long been torn apart by a bitter conflict with England (later known as the Hundred Years’ War), in which England had gained the upper hand. A peace treaty in 1420 disinherited the French crown prince, Charles of Valois, amid accusations of his illegitimacy, and King Henry V was made ruler of both England and France.
His son, Henry VI, succeeded him in 1422. Along with its French allies (led by Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy), England occupied much of northern France, and many in Joan’s village, Domrémy, were forced to abandon their homes under threat of invasion.
Did you know? In a private audience at his castle at Chinon, Joan of Arc won the future Charles VII over by supposedly revealing information that only a messenger from God could know; the details of this conversation are unknown.
At the age of 13, Joan began to hear voices, which she determined had been sent by Go