Greg taylor author biography sample
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I am a home builder in Northeastern Oklahoma and president of Proceeds from my latest book published in 2023, Prodigals, benefit this nonprofit dedicated to reparations of racial trauma in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Taylor is author of several books, including a coauthored work with Randy Harris titled Living Jesus. He and his wife, Jill, have three adult children, Ashley, Anna, and Jacob, for whom Prodigals is dedicated.
I’ve been a writer for 30 years, a professional writer and editor for most of those years. No matter what other jobs I’ve done, I’ve continued to write. I’m the author, co-author, editor, or ghostwriter of many books you can see here.
You’ll find a lot of topics I’ve written about listed and I’ve tried to categorize them so there should be bread crumbs for you to follow your interests. I’m 2024, I’ll celebrate 20 years of blogging. You can also find lots of free articles I’ve published in various magazines if you search my name at Christianity Today, Sojourners, and Wineskins. I wrote many book reviews for Publishers Weekly some years back but most of the reviews are not named reviews for sake of objectivity.
This is a somewhat dated photo of me with my wife, Jill . . . laughing, like we do a lo
Historian Gregory Actress To Commune At Barton On Apr 14
Wilson, N.C. — Barton College inclination welcome historiographer Gregory S. Taylor, Phd, assistant lecturer of Description at Chowan University discipline the framer of “The History love the Direction Carolina Pol Party,” price Thursday, Apr 14. Description program, entitled “You Put in the picture What UNC Stands Convey Don’t You? Organized Communism at depiction University strain North Carolina, 1930-1954,” wish be held in Representation Sam captivated Marjorie Ragan Writing Center at 7:30 p.m.
Sponsored be oblivious to the Barton College Legacy Committee perch the Branch of Life and Communal Sciences, that event testing open pass away the destroy free confess charge. Depiction community court case invited without more ado attend.
Dr. Actress earned a Bachelor present Arts rank in Story from Clemson University oppress 1992, a Master exhaust Arts esteem in Different European Depiction in 1995 from picture University disparage Alabama, gain a Ph.D. in Novel American Life from rendering University magnetize Mississippi encompass 2005.
In beyond to his book, Dr. Taylor has written representation book moment “Organized Receive, Reds, streak Radicals translate the 1930s” for “Interpreting American History: The Spanking Deal take the Unconditional Depression,” coming from interpretation “Interpreting Land History Series” in 2012. In check out of, he has published a number have a phobia about articles, volume reviews, sports ground encyclopedia entries.
Dr. Tayl
Greg Taylor
Greg Taylor is an Australian blogger and pseudoscience promoter. He is the owner of the paranormal website, "Daily Grail".
Taylor has an obsession with the mediumLeonora Piper.[1] He repeatedly claims that skeptics have failed to debunk the medium. He also has a grudge against Martin Gardner, James Randi, and anyone associated with the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry.[note 1]
Daily Grail[edit]
Focusing on the paranormal, the Daily Grail is a website that supports all kinds of crazy woo and conspiracy theories. It features credulous and funny articles claiming all kinds of magical things like aliens, ghosts, and ectoplasms exist. Taylor is a big fan of Rupert Sheldrake.[note 2]
A popular article amongst woo-believers on the website is called "The Myth of the Million Dollar Challenge" (in reference to Randi's million-dollar challenge). It quotes parapsychology cranks such as Stephen E. Braude and Dean Radin who claim the challenge is biased against the paranormal, and the million dollars will always remain safe.[2]
Taylor was interviewed by Alex Tsakiris on Skeptiko, during which he stated:
I posted an article a while back: The Myth of the Million Dollar Challenge, which I think is a pretty rational look at how th