Biography in urdu language
Translation of biography – English–Urdu dictionary
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Persian, Urdu, Hindi: autobiography
@desi4lifeJii. I don't know if you feel your query has been responded or not to your satisfaction but I'll have a go, form an Urdu perspective, because I am not familiar with all the terms you have listed in your post.desi4life said:
Isn't there a difference between आत्मकथा vs. आपबीती, and जीवनी vs. जगबीती? I interpret आत्मकथा to mean autobiography (a complete description of one's life) and आपबीती to mean a description of one's experience (could be a particular experience and therefore not an autobiography). Likewise, I interpret जीवनी to mean biography (a complete description of another person's life) and जगबीती to mean a description of another person's experience (could be a particular experience and therefore not a biography). Are my interpretations correct, or does आत्मकथा = आपबीती and जीवनी = जगबीती? @Maharaj, @Englishmypassion, @aevynn, @Dib, @littlepond, and others are welcome to weigh in.
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"aap-biitii" indeed can signify a particular personal event which one has encountered in one's life. However, it is also used for "autobiography" in Urdu. There are other words of course but I would say this is perhaps the more common one.
Urdu words for biography
biography के देवनागरी में उर्दू अर्थ
- सवानेह-ए-'उम्री
- सीरत-निगारी
- तज़्किरा-नवीसी
- सवानेह-ए-हयात
- किसी की ज़िंदगी और किरदार की तारीख़
- सरगुज़श्त किसी शय की
- 'आम सवानेही तज़्किरे या तहरीरें एक सिंफ़-ए-अदब के तौर पर
biography کے اردو معانی
- سوانح عمری
- سیرت نگاری
- تذکرہ نویسی
- سوانح حیات
- کسی کی زندگی اور کردار کی تاریخ
- سرگزشت کسی شے کی
- عام سوانحی تذکرے یا تحریریں ایک صنف ادب کے طور پر
Related searched words
سوانحعمری ، سرگزشت ، تذکرہ .
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Tags for biography
English meaning of biography , biography meaning in english, biography translation and definition in English. biography का मतलब (मीनिंग) अंग्रेजी (इंग्लिश) में जाने | Khair meaning in hindi